Euan is a design facilitator supporting change for better social outcomes.

To create real change, we need to find our power as people, organisations and communities.

How can I help?

Group Facilitation

The potential for real change lies not in what divides people but in what unites them.

Euan’s role is to find the shared ground upon which diverse groups can build new and better foundations. Robust facilitation embraces diverse people, inclusive practices, fostering collaboration and amplifying marginalised voices. For Euan, success looks like empowered individuals and communities navigating complex social issues, uncovering mutual understanding, and driving positive change.


Impact Networks

Disconnection lies at the heart of all social problems and connection is part of the cure.

Euan supports the convening and development of social impact networks where people can connect with like-minded individuals, join forces to tackle complex social issues and amplify their impact together. Ultimately, social impact networks empower and inspire individuals to become active change agents for a brighter and more equitable future.

Organising Models

What we do is all too often given far greater attention than how we do it.

Euan believes ‘how’ is just as important as ‘what’ and develops both from the inception of every project. Distributed and networked ways of organising provide complimentary alternatives to the hierarchical structures most of us have experienced. They provide us with different ways to share power, responsibility, risk, and decision-making while inviting initiative and elevating existing knowledge and wisdom.


Euan leads social impact projects at The Australian Centre for Social Innovation (TACSI).